Sad News

Posted in News

With much regret the 2020 edition of RSS has had to be cancelled. Despite our best efforts to find work-arounds to make the program viable this year, the uncertainty surrounding the Province's Phase 4 start date coupled with the cancellation of venue bookings (and any available, suitable replacements) has made running the program an impossibility. This is deeply disappointing to both Christian and I, and no doubt will be disappointing to the students who had had expressed great optimism and excitement at the prospect of working with our wonderful faculty. It is a sad necessity for us but unavoidable. We are committed to providing full refunds to all those already registered so please look out for this in the next few days.
In the meantime, we look forward to planning our RSS 2021 edition, which will run between Monday July 5th and Saturday July 10 2021. Thank you all for your patience as we tried everything we could to sort the program out this year, and we send our very best wishes for health and happiness during this trying time.
