About Us
Regina Summer Strings (RSS) provides a living answer to the question: “How do I secure my musical progress over the summer, to achieve my goals next year?”
RSS successfully stimulates your musical development with:
· excellent learning opportunities
· excellent listening opportunities
· meaningful connections with peer group musicians
· meaningful connections with professional musicians
At the heart of the Regina Summer Strings vision is the aim to enhance your experience as a string player. Through an intensive 6-day summer workshop, RSS provides opportunities for you to develop multi-faceted Classical music-oriented skills, through interaction with outstanding faculty, in a positive and supportive learning environment. You will have the opportunity to explore and develop solo, chamber music, and orchestral practices, as well as be inspired by perspectives and performances brought by Regina Summer Strings faculty and select visiting artists from the Regina Chamber Music Festival. Your solo performance skills will be developed through private lessons with RSS faculty, as well as masterclass performance and recital opportunities. You will also be assigned to a chamber music ensemble and will receive daily coaching sessions by RSS faculty members. You will perform in ensemble masterclasses and a formal concert on the final day of the program. Large ensemble skills will be developed through your placement in one of 2 string orchestras, which will rehearse daily and also perform at the final concert. Another feature of the program is your exposure, as an emerging young musician, to inspiring high-caliber performances throughout the week through the full slate of concerts presented by the Regina Chamber Music Festival.